Sunday, August 24, 2014

Facebook Not So Open Book

I was just on Facebook looking through my pictures and my "about me" section... you see, I had just added new people that I attend church with and who know very little of me at the present moment. So, of course, I wanted to make sure I made a good impression.

Looking through my "about me" sections, I realized how everything from the movies we like to the music we listen to and even the books we read define who we are. But the problem is... when we make these which we like or enjoy public, we start to alter our tastes... "well, I don't want so-and-so to think I'm weird if I like this movie or this book." Then we start to pick and choose, leave in those things that seem "cool" and leave out those things which are considered "nerdy" or "weird." In essence, we are hiding that part of ourselves which the world perceives as "nerdy" or "weird." We are hiding a part of ourselves.

I became so frustrated with the idea that I took our all the books in the "book" section of the "about me" area on Facebook. Who cares what books I read anyway? And why are those ridiculous sections even on Facebook? What is the point? ASK me what books I like... ASK me what movies I enjoy... ASK me instead of reading all about me like some virtual magazine that I can edit any which way to make a certain impression on you because I'm too afraid to be myself. And even then it is not enough to spare myself from the judgement of others. So what is the point of these sections? What is the point of Facebook?

Let's keep it simple... let's just COMMUNICATE with each other. Life may have improved with technology, but I think it is actually distancing us from each other more than bringing us closer together. And it is driving us mad with all the high-standards and the stress of trying to meet everyone's expectations.

Facebook is not a means of communication... it is a portal into other people's private lives... this could be a good thing or a very disastrous thing. Guess it all depends how we use it.

Sara Nicole x

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